
Backtesting Trading Strategies Using Python

Over the past several decades, the use of machines for exploring and developing new investing and trading strategies in financial markets has exploded. Instead of relying on humans, we can instead come up with some sort of strategy (or even have a machine find one) and tell the computer exactly how and when to execute it. However, we need to ma... Read more

Asynchronous Web Scraping Using Python

Scraping data from the web is a common task - whether it’s fetching data from an API or collecting information from thousands of web pages. In this post I’m going to describe how to do so a lot faster - asynchronously. So what does asynchronous mean? Many programs run synchronously. For example, a simple for loop: words = ['apple', 'orange', '... Read more

Initial Test Post

I’ve decided to setup a simple blog to discuss and document various topics, mostly related to tech and finance. I’m using Jekyll with the Lagrange theme. I chose Jekyll due to high performance, as there’s no runtime. Just static pages, mostly HTML. Below is some demo formatting. This is an <h1> tag This is an <h2> tag This is an &... Read more